On Creativity: Confessions of a College Art Educator
I remember the first time I stepped into an art classroom. Way before Seth Godin introduced us to the idea of finding a tribe, or before social media became the platform for connection it is today, I remember entering into this space of creativity and of making things and feeling like I had found my home. The second feeling I had, almost immediately after that, was that I was an impostor. I was nowhere near as cool, or smart, or as talented as all the other 'real' art students in that classroom. I became afraid.
That was a long time ago. Now I am the art teacher in the classroom. If I am honest, I still feel the fear of not being enough: smart enough, cool enough, talented enough. Not much has changed, except that I have learned that what I do is not grounded in "enough," but in something deeper than anyone's opinion of it, including my own.
What I know for sure is that creativity is for everyone. It is something we are all born with. There is no such thing as creative people and non-creative people. The only way I know to feel like I am not just skimming through the top layer of my life is to be creative. I define creativity in the words of Sir Ken Robinson, as using your mind to make something that is original and has value. It takes on many forms, but it always elevates us into our truest, most whole selves.
I am still learning, failing, and getting back up and trying again. It is worth it, though. There is nothing more powerful than speaking from an undiluted and authentic voice. I would love to know, how do you dig deep into creativity? What helps you to connect with your truest voice, and what is its worth to you?