Elizabeth Ivy Hawkins

"Skilled storyteller who can thoughtfully craft narratives, boil down complex concepts into succinct communication across multiple media channels. Relationship builder and experienced development strategist leveraging creative and strategic collaborations that stand out in a noisy world.”



A Multidisciplinary Experience for Healing through Creative Practice. No experience required. Sign Up for more details…

The practice of Creativity is not saying, “Everything is beautiful” when it’s not. It is a disciplined conversation with what actually is. When we begin to have a conversation with what actually is, we can begin to heal.

What You Will Get:

Five Weekly Small Group Zoom Meetings Where We Introduce and Work into That Week’s Content and Modules. This includes short Centering Practices, Partner Check-ins, and Gathering as a Group to Go Through the Week’s Content. Plan on Meeting One to One and a half hours a week in this group.

New Practices Each Week that Can be Incorporated into your daily routine to boost Creativity, Self Awareness, and Added Depth and Connection to Purpose. These Practices can be as little at 20 Minutes Per Day.

Four 1:1 50 minute Meet Up Times With Me via Zoom to work through the Content Individually

A Group Partner to Open Space for You to Check In With Each Week.

One Final Work of Art for you as a Celebration and Acknowledgement of the Work We’ve Begun.

If you are ready to begin a process speaking honestly about the places you feel stuck, and open to what your most pressing desires and creative blocks may be, this course will be a good fit for you.

These modules are designed to be a small group experience. (We will meet once a week synchronously on-line via Zoom, although the meetings will be recorded and sent to each of you) and you will be paired with a partner to check in with during the week as you both move through modules. Individual meetings with me will be available on zoom as well.

Group Based Course we will be exploring How to Recover and Integrate a:

Sense of Creative Identity & Integrity

Sense of Embodiment, Grounding, & Possibility

The Practice of Immersion, Devotion, & Wonder

Sense of Voice & How to Move Forward

We’ll study the neuroscience behind creativity, Design Principles and their power to help us re-organize our thinking, story structure and it’s effectiveness to get us unstuck, embodiment practices in nature to ground us, and how to move forward with practices from the mystic tradition and our true voice. We’ll learn how to spot resistance and how it can block us moving forward, and we’ll end with a group expression that will be made into individual works of art, as we explore how to move forward. 

As part of this course you will receive a small work of art

—While working with Sharon Garlough Brown, painting as the protagonist Wren in her books Shades of Light and Remember Me, I was sharing with her work I was doing in my studio. How I was taking bits of paper where I had written down a sorrow or longing I had. How I then burned them and put them back into the canvases as part of the artwork. She gasped and said, “Wren could do that!” If you’ve read her book Remember Me, you know that Sharon wrote this process onto the story, and the image that resulted from our collaboration was the painting, “From the Ashes.”

As we complete this course, I’ll ask you to send me an email or a letter, and I’ll invite you to write down one thing that you’d like to be free of, or would like to move beyond. I will not read your email or letter—I’ll just print it out and burn it for you. I’ll then take the collective ashes of the group, and I’ll make a small drawing and send it back to each of you as a marker of the work you have begun.

This Class is limited to Ten Registrants and starts June 29th through July 27th. (With a possible extra week—August 3rd, just because)…

Sign Up for more details…